Professor, Lab Leader
Monash University
- Information Visualisation, particularly networks (graphs)
- Diagram layout algorithms, especially constraint-based layout
- Diagram design and novel visual representations
- Interaction techniques for authoring diagrams and exploring large networks
- Applications of the above, particularly in software engineering and systems biology
Dr Dwyer received his PhD from the University of Sydney, Australia in 2005 on the topic of "Two and a Half Dimensional Visualisation of Relational Networks".
From 2005 to 2008 he was a Research Fellow with the Adaptive Diagrams group at Monash University, Australia. A particular focus of his research at this time was on constraint-based graph layout techniques.
In 2008-2009 he was a Visiting Researcher with the VIBE group at Microsoft Research, USA. From 2009-2012 he was a Senior Software Development Engineer with the Visual Studio product group at Microsoft USA. During his time at Microsoft Dr Dwyer worked to build visual code-understanding tools such as Code Map, which shipped with Visual Studio Ultimate in 2012.
In late 2012 Tim returned to Monash University as a Senior Lecturer and Larkins Fellow.
Tim Dwyer participates in several different research communities, serving at various times on the Program and Organising committees of Graph Drawing, IEEE Infovis and Diagrams Conferences, among others.
Google Scholar profile:
ResearchGate profile: