ContextuWall is a new way of collaborative data exploration using massive screens, such as the CAVE2 at Monash. It combines interactive user interfaces to control and annotate content, and network connected big displays. These displays are each controlled by a separate display server that can be located at different locations, connected over the internet using a secured connection. Users can also use smartphones to directly send photos to the display walls.It is created as a client-server-display framework to have maximum independence from applied hardware such as professional systeme like CAVE2 or consumer level systems like multi-screen desktop PC.

Get the software and source code
Each link contains the program binaries / source code to run the framework. The repositories also contain instructions to install and run ContextuWall. The following components are under the MIT license. The following component is under the GPLv2 license.- ContextuWall Add-on for the VANTED framework