
Adaptive, responsive & intelligent documents

Electronic documents potentially provide considerable benefits over print documents:

  • Non-textual content: Electronic documents often contain a considerable amount of diagrams, images, videos and other non-textual content.
  • Dynamic content: The content can be customized, based on the interests and needs of the viewer. Furthermore the content can be interactive, alive with embedded data and RSS feeds.
  • Customized presentation: Documents can be viewed on a wide variety of electronic and print devices with very different characteristics and capabilities. The document’s presentation should automatically adapt to take into account viewing device characteristics while preserving the basic layout and style.
  • Accessibility: There can be better support for blind and vision-impaired users to access on-line material including graphics.
  • Collaborative, continuous authoring: Electronic documents allow collaborative authoring on a scale we have never seen before. Furthermore, documents can now be annotated and modified throughout their lifetime.

This project aims to provide the algorithmic, software engineering and HCI basis for electronic documents with the above capabilities, with a focus on automatic customization of scientific documents to different viewing platforms and in authoring such accessible content.